Year Started: 2002
Home Office: Vancouver
Dave is a Registered Professional Forester and as A&A Trading’s Vice President of Operations, oversees all of the planning, engineering and development activities associated with properly managing a forest tenure and delivering logs to the highest end use markets. Dave began his career and worked several years with a major coastal licensee as an Assistant Engineer, Cruiser and later Quality Control Supervisor. He joined A&A in 2002 to open and manage an office in Terrace B.C. where he developed a market logging program through strong relationships with First Nation tenure holders, licensees as well as the local harvesting and road building industry.
Dave is a graduate of the HBScF Co-op program from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. In addition to being voted the class valedictorian he was awarded the Dean Braun’s medal for Highest Ranking Student in HBScF. Dave has a long history of dedication to his community and industry having served on several boards such as the Northwest Loggers Association, Truck Loggers Association, Terrace Chamber of Commerce and the Terrace Economic Development Authority.
Dave is a tireless advocate of the importance of relationship building, communication and understanding in order to foster and maintain mutually profitable businesses.